Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Disability Sport Conference 2014 By Andressa #CARNIVALPROJECT #LONRIO #LEGACIES4ALL


Disability Sport Conference 2014
Andressa Guimarães

A conferencia sobre Deficiência no Esporte começou no dia 15 de setembro com a duração de 3 dias organizado por Ian Brittain no Techno Centre em Coventry University. No primeiro dia de conferencia a apresentação que mais me chamou a atenção foi a realizada pelo atleta Kees Jan van der Klooster participante dos jogos olímpicos de inverno de Vancouver 2010 e Sochi 2014. Klooster é um participante paralímpico que contou sua experiencia de superação seja no esporte quando na vida pessoal. A lição que ficou desse dia é que as pessoas precisam aprender a trabalhar mais a confiança e autoestima. 



Disability Sport Conference 2014
Andressa Guimarães

The Disability Sport 2014  conference started in September 15th with a duration of 3 days organized by Ian Brittain in Techno Centre in Coventry University. On the first day of the conference, the presentation that caught my attention was held by the athlete participant Kees Jan van der Klooster of the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver 2010 and Sochi 2014.  Klooster is a Paralympic athlete and during the conference he told about his experience to overcome in the sport and the personal life. The lesson of the day was: people must learn more how to work the confidence and self-esteem.


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