Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Resumo do dia 08/09 por Pedro Carvalho #CARNIVALPROJECT #LONRIO #LEGACIES4ALL

Resumo do dia 08/09 por Pedro Carvalho

Hoje o dia foi deveras intenso. Fui designado monitor do dia. Tivemos uma reunião com Dr Ian e com Mr Richard, foi o meu primeiro contato pessoal com ambos. A tarde aconteceu o primeiro Carnival Talks, evento no qual três colegas apresentaram seus pré-projetos. Ao final do dia, recebemos o companheiro Luiz que chegara do Brasil. A noite nos reunimos e jantamos juntos.


Repport of the day 08/sep by Pedro Carvalho

Today the day was indeed intense. I was assigned the day monitor. We had a meeting with Dr Ian and Mr Richard, was the my first personal contact with both. The afternoon happened the first Carnival Talks event in which three colleagues presented their pre-projects. At the end of the day we received the mate Luiz who arrived from Brazil. The night we met and had dinner together.


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